Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rich or poor, which category do you fit in?

Most people want to be rich, but most of them are poor, why? There must be some differences between rich people and poor people.
If you study carefully, youwill find out why rich and successful people are able to produce amazing results in their life, and why some people are living in poverty.

To be rich and successful, you don’t need to be lucky, extremely hard working or you need to have a college diploma or a university degree. What you need, is the right mindset and the right mindset will form the right habit.
As a result, the right habit will lead you toward the financial abundance kind of life style that you always desire.

So here are the main differences between rich and poor people…

1. Rich people believe that they create their lives while poor people believe that life happens to them.
Can you see why rich and successful people are able to create amazing results in their life right now? It is simply because they are in control of their lives.
They believe that they are the ones who is responsible for their lives, they are the ones who is creating their future, not the economy or the knowledge or luck.
On the other hand, poor people will always give excuses and blame on the circumstances. When they failed in their business, they will blame the economy, their boss, their family or anything that did not go according to their plan.
Whenever you believe that life happens to you, you will lose the power to change and the power to control your future. You must believe that you’re the one who is creating your future, not other people or events.

2. Rich people play the money game to win but poor people play the money game just not to lose money.
This is a big mind
set difference. Have you ever seen people invest in the stock market? Some people are so afraid that they will lose their money and they form a mindset that blocks their creativity.
They formed the mindset of‘investing not to lose the money’. However, rich and successful people know exactly how they need to think in order to win the game of money. They will think and act from the view of playing the game to win.
Unlike poor people, they will never invest just not to lose the money.

3. Rich people think and focus on opportunities while poor people focus on obstacles.
When you face with problems, what are you focus on? Are you focus on the problems, thinking how bad the situation is going to be? Or are you focusing on the solution and thinking about how you can solve or even turn the situation into opportunity?
Think about this carefully. No matter who you are, you will definitely face with all kinds of choices in your life. And when you need to decide to move on, try to notice on you thinking, what do you focus on, the solution, or the problem?

4. Rich people dare to dream big, poor people think small.
When I tell my parents that I want to make a million dollar, they will tell me,“Why do you need so much money? You can live a very good lifestyle if you got a job that has a good pay. You don’t need to be a millionaire.” I don’t know about you, but this statement happens to me all the time. And I definitely believe that poor people will tend to think small while rich people always think big.
To poor people, they will think that rich people are greedy because they always think big.

Allen Mwamengele