Sunday, July 31, 2011


Its another month to all Muslim to fast except those who has the special case mentioned in the Qur an and tradition of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w).

Its a month where by business of bars (alcohol seller) and guest house to declane while the video games, pool table and other game to take place. Not only that but also the mosque to be full at the begining of the month and start decrease as the days goes.

All in all the month of Ramadhan is like entering to the college to learn some thing which we should practise it, in other month of the year. The obedience which we show to the month of Ramadhan it must continue in other month.

Fasting has alot of benefit on building human to obey Allah (s.w) by giving the great health to those who fast.

I wish to all my fellow Muslim to have great fast and to be rewarded by Allah (s.w) on what we Fast.